Likno Web Button Maker - Free 1.4 is an easy to use program to create buttons for web pages.
The application includes many features and options to customize each button, to match the web page style or user requirements.
Buttons properties can be set from dimensions to lighting. Dimensions can be adjusted in width and height, as well as to set the horizontal and vertical margins. The program supplies up to 10 possible suggestions for button shapes, such as square, vertical, etc., to help the user in selecting the desired shape and proportions.
Button shape can be set as one of the standards or recall more shapes online from the publishers web site. Button background can be set as a flat color or use a saved image.
The 'material' the button is made of can also be selected: plastic, metallic or custom. On any of them, the main color can be selected, as well as the texture. The free program comes with five different textures to apply. The emboss, contrast, saturation, etc. characteristics are fully adjustable.
Button lighting is another feature: diffuse lights and spotlights can be selected and set to obtain the desired effect.
For the text displayed on the button, font, font size, style and shadow can be selected, as well as the text effect, such as rotation and relative position.
At the publishers home page there is a newer version (2.0).